Thank you for choosing to become involved with Eastbourne Artists online community!
Please email one high quality (if it looks good on your screen then it will look good on the site), suitably cropped, digital image of one
of your selected works, plus your name, contact details (phone, email, website), plus an artist statement (maximum 100 words) to [email protected].
If you do not have an artist statement, these guys can help you create a professional one.
Please allow approximately 5 working days for us to create your profile page. We will email you a link to your page once we have it up-and-running.
Please email one high quality (if it looks good on your screen then it will look good on the site), suitably cropped, digital image of one
of your selected works, plus your name, contact details (phone, email, website), plus an artist statement (maximum 100 words) to [email protected].
If you do not have an artist statement, these guys can help you create a professional one.
Please allow approximately 5 working days for us to create your profile page. We will email you a link to your page once we have it up-and-running.